I feel obliged ,
To wear a curve on my lips
Waning up towards my eyes.
May the god of the heavens shield my tears
With a transparent cloth of skin.
And may the angels grace the nape of my neck with sweet kisses of earthly things.
I don't wish to deal with ultimatums for I'd hate to take from a mere mortal, his last breath.
This isn't fair , this dress isn't blue and the sky is no longer red.
My eyes bleed , turquoise rivers of ink .
This paper is stained and so is your image in my mind. A reflection of a ghost, the only place where your reflection can escape you. The only place that can reflect the nothingness inside of you, the void in your heart and the pointlessness of your words.
Lines have been strewn in Gold on silver sheets of heaven,
Lethargic waters wash whatever left of shame I had. This is the peak of a story and the downfall of a king.
This tombstone is grey .. And the words engraved are small.. Like the life I lived ,they are indeed.
This vacuum is my air , heavy and black.
This darkness is my guide, light and sunshine .
This .. This is the end of me and the epitaph of another.